Lesson Plans

The Springville Museum of Art lesson plans are designed to help educators use art as a tool to teach core subjects like language arts, math, social studies, and science. 

Each lesson in this series incorporates Utah’s core standards, and historically and artistically significant  images from the Springville Museum of Art’s permanent collection.  Lesson plans are designed to be simple, easy to use, and appropriate for each grade level.  

For additional resources for teachers and students check out our Museum From Home page by clicking the button below: 


2022 From Student to Studio: The Evolution of a Professional Artist

2022 celebrated the 50th year of the Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show! This Evening was in connection with our exhibition, From Student to Studio, featuring arts professionals from the exhibition who once exhibited in the high school show as students. They shared their journey from student to professional and answered questions in a Q&A panel discussion. Following the discussion, we learned from a few of the artists in hands-on workshops as they shared art techniques and ideas to inspire students of all ages. 

                    Zoom Recording - Elementary Workshops

2021 Where are YOU from? Using Art to Celebrate Your Unique Students

This Evening was held during National Welcoming Week in 2021. In connection with the book, Where are you from? by Yamile Saied Méndez, educators learned comfortable tools to celebrate race and immigration in the classroom through themes of self-acceptance, identity, and home. Presenters: Jean Tokuda Irwin, Noemi Hernández-Balcázar, and Angela Rosales Challis, explored collage and animation through hands-on workshops that help you celebrate the unique and authentic stories of all your students.

2021 In Sight, Out of Mind: Environmental Awareness in Art 

 In connection with the curated exhibition, "In Sight, Out of Mind" these lessons encourage students to connect deeper with nature. 

  • 3 and up (adaptable) - Drawn from Nature: Writing, Drawing, and Imagination by Royden Card (Language Arts, Visual Arts, Science)
  • 2-6 (adaptable) - Textile Art by Virginia Catherall (Visual Arts, Social Studies, Science)
  • Resource List - Beauty from the Rhythm of Life by Lapita Frewin (Visual Art, Native American Weaving)

2020 Grand Ambitions: Fostering Creativity and Ambition in Utah's Classrooms

 In connection with the permanent collection exhibition, "Grand Ambitions" these lessons explore how students can find ambition through creativity and stories. 

  • 1-6 (adaptable) - Eight In-Class Art Activities to Get Students’ Creativity Going! by Steve and Tonya Vistaunet (Visual Arts)
  • 2-6 (adaptable) - Why the Moon Paints Her Face Black by Brenda Beyal and Chris Roberts (Visual Arts, Social Studies, Language Arts)
  • Secondary - Learning Through the Lens of the Portable Darkened Classroom by Carrie Wilson (Visual Arts)
  • Slideshow - Grand Ambitions exhibition

2019 SELF: Discovering Identity in Art

 In connection with the curated exhibition, "SELF: Exploration of Identity," these lessons explore how students can explore their identity through art.

2019 Magic & Machine: Exploring Imagination in Art

 In connection with the curated exhibition, "Magic and Machine: Fantasy and Sci-fi in Utah Art," these lessons explore how students can use their imaginations to develop new creations.


2018 Roots & Branches: Identity and Family History

 In connection with the co-curated exhibition, "Roots and Branches" by Jasen Lanegan and Melanie Allred, these lessons explore how students can connect identity through family history.


2018 Transforming the World: A Look at Social Justice in Art

 In connection with the national, traveling exhibition, Speaking Volumes | Transforming Hate, these lesson plans explore ways art can be used to promote social justice.

  • K-3 (adaptable) - Kindness Quilt Squares (Mathematics)(Social Studies), video available HERE
  • K-3 (adaptable) - Neat Streets (Mathematics)(Social Studies)
  • 4-6 (adaptable) - Powerful Words: Making Meaning (Language Arts) (Social Studies)
  • 4-6 (adaptable)- Extraordinary Activism: Guerilla Art (Social Studies)
  • Middle School- Constructing Personal Significance (Social Studies)
  • High School- Depicting Tolerance: Art in the Fight for Tolerance (Social Studies)
  • K-12- Teacher Resource Links from Curator, Katie Knight (Holter Museum of Art)
  • K-12- Powerpoint "Content-Driven Artist's Books" by Curator, Katie Knight (Holter Museum of Art)

2017 Diving Deep: Exploring Humor in Art

These lesson plans explore how humor and play are used to explore deeper ideas in art and explore playful ways to enhance core curriculum.

2017 The Classical Tradition: Learning from the Masters (Past & Present)

 These lesson plans explore how classical rules of artistic practice, including aesthetics and mathematical harmonies, can shape modern day learning.

2016 ConTEXTualizing Art

These lesson plans explore how language and letters can enhance the visual arts, through poetry, artist statements and more! 

  • Kindergarten - Alphabet Animals (Language Arts)
  • First Grade - Jasper Johns Letter Hunt (Language Arts)
  • Second Grade - Text Illuminated (Language Arts)
  • Third Grade- Juxtaposition of Text and Art (Language Arts)
  • Fourth Grade- Cursive Art: Mother Goose Abstracted (Language Arts), video available HERE
  • Fifth Grade- Cinquain Poetry and Collage (Language Arts)
  • Sixth Grade- Found Poetry: Blackout and Collage Poetry (Language Arts)
  • Elementary- Art & Poetry- Ideas for Teachers (Language Arts)
  • Secondary- Collage Workshop (Language Arts)
  • Secondary- Artist Statements (Language Arts)

2016 S.T.E.A.M. Punk Party!

These Lesson Plans explore S.T.E.A.M.  and how Art can connect to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math in important ways. With increasing pressure to focus education merely on these technical subjects, we hope to provide examples of how art can be incorporated and beneficial in teaching these subjects. 

  • Kindergarten - Shape Shifting! (Math)
  • First Grade - Sound Poetry: Musical Machines (Language Arts)
  • Second Grade - (1st-3rd Grade adaptable) Rube Goldberg- Playing with Forces and Motion (Science)
  • Third Grade-  Water in Motion: Hydraulic Energy (Science)
  • Third Grade - Living in Minecraft: Biome Communities (Social Studies)
  • Fourth Grade - Math Machines (Math)
  • Fifth Grade- Story Boards: Building a Movie (Language Arts)
  • Sixth Grade- Flying Machines and Da Vinci Deconstructed (Social Studies)
  • Secondary - Art Bots! (Engineering)

2015 Roadtrip! A Journey Through Utah's Unique Landscape

2015 Art Display as an Advocacy Tool

2014 Portrait Party

Art and the Elementary Core: Lesson Plans
