Join us for art workshops this summer! Workshops will be on the specified Saturday from 10:00am -1:00pm.  All supplies are provided but participants can bring their own materials if they desire. Most workshops are geared to those ages 16 and up. 

Intro to Plein Air Gouache Painting

JUNE 29 | 10am-1pm | Springville Museum of Art Sculpture Garden. Explore the beautiful hidden gem of the Springville Museum of Art's sculpture garden through plein air. In this workshop you will learn the basics not only of painting from life outdoors but of gouache. Taught by artist Emma Jean Wilkins. Emma graduated with her BFA from BYU-I in 2020, she has nearly 10 yrs experience  and is the brand specialist and project manager for an online art education school called Sentient Academy. Cost is $75 and all materials are provided. Although we are focusing on gouache if participants would like to work in oil or acrylic and bring those supplies  the instructor has experience in all three mediums mentioned.