Group of elementary school children gathered in front of a painting on a gray wall, with a docent talking to them


We are pleased to welcome your group to the Springville Museum of Art. We would greatly appreciate your cooperation discussing these general instructions and guidelines with your group before visiting. Understanding these rules will help ensure the success of your activity. 

  • Do not touch any of the artwork 
  • Maintain an 18-inch distance from the artwork (this may be noted by the change in tile patterns on the floor) 
  • Keep your group together (it is a good idea for younger children to have a buddy) 
  • Bring one chaperone for every ten students 
  • Walk only, no running 
  • Use quiet voices 
  • Leave food or drink outside  
  • Leave backpacks and water bottles on the bus or in vehicles 
  • Use pencils only in the second floor galleries, and chaperones should hold all pencils when not in use 
  • Noncommercial photography is permitted within the museum

Again, we appreciate your cooperation in abiding by these guidelines. We look forward to your upcoming visit to the Museum. 
